This includes answering important questions about who you are, from what you do for fun to where you are on your spiritual journey. The questions that we chose were ones that would matter in daily life as a couple and not necessarily deep theology.
We have search options to help you narrow results based on age, gender, and religious affiliation so you can find someone quickly without having to guess.
Our features right now offer both public commenting, private message and public chatroom and video chat, so you can get to know someone here before giving out your personal information.
With Hashem’s help, you’ll find someone and proceed however you both feel is comfortable from that point onward.
While regular donations would be helpful, the only time we will specifically ask that you seriously consider a donation is if we truly did help you find your bashert.
Basically, that’s it. We are trying to create a site that is easy to use but also simplistic so we can offer you what no one else is willing to offer – a 100% free online Messianic dating experience.
If you need even more information, read our FAQ section.